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Health and Wellness

Culture, Health and Wellness, Music


May 31, 2017

When you choose to be grateful, on a daily basis, it’s easy to see the good fortune that comes your way. 

And even when things aren’t going great, you can still find the silver lining there.

It was my good fortune to spend 12 years in South Korea, learning about the language, culture, food, music and art. The Korean spelling for good fortune is…..



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creativity, Design, Health and Wellness, Photography, Travel/Adventure

“Chihuly Garden and Glass”: Colors and Brilliance

March 29, 2017

Spring Has Sprung!

Officially, Spring started March 20th, and I see the daffodils and the camellias already leading the charge, as they pop up everywhere each Spring here in Seattle.

And there are at least several hundred other unique and beautiful flowers, just within a 10-mile radius of Seattle, that will soon reappear and present an encore of last year’s performance, to those who eagerly await their arrival, as well as to some who noticed them before but didn’t REALLY SEE them.

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