Let the court jester begin!…….
Lizz Wright (Her Majesty 😀), my favorite singer of all time (and forever), sings a song, penned by K. D. Lang, called “Wash Me Clean”.
It’s a dreamy tune that sends me to a lofty space where I start dreaming wide awake.
In a previous post called “SHHHH! Genius At Work”! (Unearthing Her Grace), I shared a story about that song and I mentioned how much I like “Wash Me Clean” and how it elevates me to that dreamy state of mind, a place I like to go from time to time. It’s one of those songs that grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. (I am a dreamer, after all.)
One day, I imagined doing a slo-mo video of only swish shots, and pairing it up with Her Majesty’s cover of “Wash Me Clean”.
But the court jester (me), being a jester, dubbed the video “Swish Me Clean”.
So I thought about a video I made of me while I was “Bask’ing (basket balling) In The Sun”, in Chicago, at a beautiful venue adjacent to Lake Michigan, in August, 2016.

I was playing there early in the morning, the day after I went to see and hear Lizz sing in her show, which was themed “Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation”. I wrote about that show in a post and I named the post the same name as the show.
There are some good video clips in that post of Lizz singing songs from her sixth CD, called “Grace”, which she had just released around that time. (Click on the link to see and hear her sing those.)
She sings several other songs in this style too, a style I described as “winsome, wistful whisperings” in my previous post, called Sound Bytes #3….The Wright Sound (Lizz Wright),
Four songs I can think of immediately are Dreaming Wide Awake, Speak Your Heart, I’m Confessin’, Here and Now. Click on these links to hear them.
When I listen to her sing those songs, or any of her songs, really, I think to myself, “That is what a Real woman sounds like!”, and my heart throbs from “sighsmic” activity within me. I’m not trying to be cute here. Her music really does get to me. (Btw, I do know how to spell “seismic”.) I’m smarter than you think I am you are. 🤪
The more I listen to her music, the more I like her music. And the more I like her music, the more I want to listen to her music. It has become an endless cycle of reverence and joy for her music.
And although a lowly jester, I feel like a King whenever I hear “Her Highness” sing.
Hope you enjoy the song and the video!
Curiously, I didn’t miss even one shot!!
…….Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Court is adjourned!!