A couple of weekends ago (February 13-14), we had the perfect snow storm here in Seattle.
I call it perfect because it started snowing on Friday afternoon, AFTER I got home from work, and it continued to snow day and night on Saturday and Sunday, until it became 12 inches deep, making it impossible for me to drive to work on Monday.
Then, since Tuesday is one of my regular days off, it turned into a four-day weekend for me (Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday).
The timing of its arrival was just poyfect!!

Then, to top it off, my son, Tim, and his two kids (my grandkids), Evie and Ellis, came over Friday evening and got snowed in and they stayed the four days with me.

So, during that wonderful, winter wonderland weekend, I did several things, in addition to enjoying the snow and my kids.
I read a couple of short books by Dennis Prager. One was called, “The Ten Commandments”, and the other, “Happiness is a Serious Problem”.
(They are available on Amazon.)
The first half of the weekend, while the snow was coming down so beautifully, I listened to “Freshly Fallen Snow”, a playlist I made of songs by Lizz Wright, my favorite singer, now and forever (and I mean that!).
I call it “Freshly Fallen Snow” because it is made up of songs by Lizz that, when I hear her sing them, I get the same sense of elation and wonderment that I feel as I gaze at the freshly falling snow.

Also, I had been checking out Lizz’s facebook page to see what she was up to and she mentioned two things:
(1) That she would be a participant in a panel discussion on “The Black Church”,

(2) That WBGO Jazz radio station in New York City would be broadcasting “The Black Church Documentary”, on Tuesday night.
So I watched both of those.
During the discussion, the host of the panel discussion, Doug Doyle, directed a question to Lizz, and she answered it in that sincere, articulate, and unpretentious manner that I’ve come to expect from her and admire about her.
If you would like to listen to her speak in the panel discussion, you’ll find it on youtube at The Black Church: a panel discussion. (Just click on this link).
And if you’d like to watch the The Black Church-Episode 1 and The Black Church-Episode 2, just click on these two links.
Also, while Tim and the kids were out playing in the snow,

I baked some cookies and made some hot cocoa for them to eat and drink when they came in from out of the cold.

I made some chocolate chip cookies and some oatmeal-raisin-walnut cookies too.

L to R: Ellis is 3. Evie is 8. and Tim is 38, going on 17. 😂
Oh! and I made some of my Grandma York’s chocolate syrup. It’s sooooo good!! It’s like liquid fudge.

She made this for us kids when we visited her and Grandpa on the farm when we were growing up.
She passed away at 92, but a few years before that, I got the recipe from her and started making it for my kids when they were little.

I was a single parent for many years when they were young and I liked to bake all sorts of goodies for them.

This snowy weekend reminded me of when I was a kid.
But, then, on Monday (the 15th), the snow stopped falling, as we sent the storm toward the East……..
You’re Welcome, Chicago!!
P.S. That same day, Lizz posted these pix on her FB page, of herself in Chicago, playing in the snow (the snow that we sent from Seattle 😂)….

P.P.S. On January 22, Lizz turned 41. I was thinking, if I could have given her a birthday present, it would have been the freedom and a “green light” to get back on tour. The world needs a lot more of her and her music. (I need a lot more of her and her music.)