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creativity, Culture, Design, Health and Wellness, Music

“In The Garden”

September 11, 2020

What’s cookin’ in the good ole USA?

Well, I’m glad you asked!!

Today (Labor Day, 9/7/20), using the above “ingredients for life”, I’ll be making simple, savory selections for summer to share with my little seven-year old granddaughter, Evie.

It’s a kind of farm-to-table dining experience for just the two of us, and it’s happening in the back yard by the garden.

You might even call it “Gardenside Gourmet”. 😀

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Health and Wellness, Music

“Life Before Yesterday”

July 25, 2020


It seems like only “yesterday” (just four months ago), the Corona Virus Pandemic was thrust upon us and “our lives before yesterday” (our lives before the virus) were turned upside down.

I was furloughed from April 1 to July 1 (three months). I was hoping I wouldn’t be recalled until authorities had better control of the virus so it would be safer to go back to work. But I’m back on the job and there is still no end to the virus in sight.

While I was on furlough, I received unemployment money and the extra stimulus money so I could at least pay the bills and I had a lot of time available.

I wanted to use that time wisely and make it worth while. I searched through my mental Rolodex of “things to do”, and put together a prioritized, written list.

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creativity, Culture, Music

“Singer For All The People”

June 17, 2020

This is a picture of Lizz Wright, a “Singer For All The People”. I didn’t take the picture. I downloaded it from Lizz’s FB page about four years ago.

She still looks just as youthful and beautiful today.

The idea for this post was born some time ago, but I wanted to mull it over in my head for a while before I put it out there.

It’s been almost six years now, since I first heard Lizz sing, and during that time her music has been ever-present on my mind. I listen to her daily. I’ve praised and promoted her and her music frequently in many posts because she continually inspires me.

This post is all about her and why I think she is a “Singer For All The People”, and why I pick her to be the “Singer of the Decade” (2020-2030).

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Health and Wellness

“It’s A Choice We Make!”

June 8, 2020

In my last post, “Rainy Day People”, where I mentioned, “People who value others as much as they value themselves”, I was vaguely alluding to the recent killing of yet another black man by a policeman.

But today I don’t want to just allude to it. I want to be clear and specific.

That policeman, first, chose to feel superior to that black man, George Floyd, and then subsequently chose to kill him, revealing how little value he placed on George’s life. And he did it with no conscience at all, even when people pleaded to let George breathe. It was horrifying to see.

This kind of thing has been going on ever since we set foot on American soil.

Yesterday, I was talking with a friend about all this.

And I asked, rhetorically, “What steps can we possibly take to change people’s thinking and eliminate the systemic racism in America?”

I was just thinking out loud, wondering how to totally stop these heinous acts against black people, these sins against humanity, these sins against God.

My friend had a simple answer.

She immediately blurted out, “There are no steps! It’s all about choice!”

She went on to say (and I’m paraphrasing here)………………

………”When we’re born, we don’t feel superior to anyone. And we, naturally, know right from wrong. But, later in life, we choose to think we are superior to others. Then we treat them badly as if they have no value, as if they are inferior. But no matter how we’re raised, no matter what influences we see and learn in this world, it always gets down to choice. You either choose right or you choose wrong. We all know the difference.”

People who feel superior to others, choose to believe it and act accordingly. But they aren’t superior. No one is superior to anyone. We’re all equal under God’s law and, supposedly, under our Nation’s Constitution.

But how is that working out for us so far?

We espouse lofty ideals and some really great standards to follow and live by, but are we always faithfully and justly executing them? No, we are not!

I hate that about America. I hate that George Floyd and so many others died in vain and their families have to suffer such indignity and the loss of their loved ones. And it all happened and continues to happen because someone decided they were superior to someone else.

No one is superior to anyone else. You may be stronger, wealthier, healthier, smarter, more knowledgeable or better at doing something than someone else, but it NEVER means you’re superior!

I hate the fact that America has been this way all along. It started when we came to America. We deemed ourselves to be superior to the Native Americans. So we killed them, took away their land and displaced them. Then we went to Africa. We thought we were superior to them. We killed many and captured many and sold them into slavery.

But dominating and killing members of another race is never the right thing to do. We know this. Yet we choose to do it or ignore it or allow it to happen. We continue doing it because we continue to CHOOSE to consider ourselves to be superior.


To stop this, all it takes is for everyone who thinks they are superior to others, to stop thinking that way.

To make a choice to see the value in others.

To make a choice to believe that we all are created equal.

To make a choice to do that which we know is right, and not do that which we know is wrong.

It’s as simple and basic as that!

Make the right choice!

P. S. I appreciate my friend for sharing her thoughts with me and for always standing up for what she believes.

At this time, I think it is befitting to close this post with a Gospel Medley, sung by my favorite singer, Lizz Wright. The Medley is from her 4th CD, called “Fellowship”.

……………………………To hear the song, click on the link below, where it says Gospel Medley (song #5).

In the second song of the Gospel Medley (song #5), called “Power Lord”, she sings…..

“….We need power. We need Holy power. We need the power to live right, to talk right and to love right.”

I appreciate Lizz for the songs she chooses to sing, and for the principles and ideas she stands for and lives by.

Health and Wellness, Travel/Adventure

Caribbean Cruise: Day 9 and Day 10

March 29, 2020

Cozumel, Mexico – Day 9 (2/2)

At Sea – Day 10 (2/3)

(Note: I’m bundling these two Days of the Cruise because the last day, Day 10, was a day at sea and was uneventful, as we headed back to Ft. Lauderdale.)

This is the view of Cozumel Island, the most popular destination in Caribbean (Mexico).

This dock was long………a long walk to shore.

From the balcony, before we disembarked, I watched a local entrepreneur giving the passengers a ride to shore on his bicycle carriage.

I liked that idea, so I said, “Let’s ride the bike, Uncle Walt!“My treat!!”

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